Download the 44-page report Jazz 625 and the Reenactment of Jazz Television
Read the introduction to the first academic special issue on jazz and television
As well as delivering outputs to traditional academic publications (such as The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage), the project has also developed work for television broadcast, blu-ray liner notes, online blogs and indie comic books.
‘For One Night Only: Jazz 625 on the BBC’, Arts and Humanities Research Council blog, 2 May 2019
‘Rediscovering Jazz 625’, Cheltenham Festivals blog, 29 April 2019
‘Researching Jazz 625’, BBC History blog, 30 April 2019
‘Five iconic moments on British jazz TV’, British Film Institute blog, 11 September
‘Preview: BFI A Ton of Jazz’, London Jazz News blog, 8 September 2017
‘Making Jazz 1080: television production as process’, Critical Studies in Television
blog, 13 July 2018